The boys watch Motocross on Sunday nights. Sometimes I do too.
Tonight I am.
The garage sale was good. We didn't make alot of money but we got rid of tons of stuff. To me...that is success!
It was a gorgeous day.
My hair looked like this....
I kept waiting for a bird to land in it.
This kid helped alot. He made a few bucks too.
See the chair he is sitting on?
Get up so they can see the chair!
I forgot to ask him to move the Mountain Dew bottle.
Our neighbor brought two chairs over to sell.
We loved them.
We bought them.
Here is the other one.
I should have moved the money box.
These chairs are old.
I love that they don't match.
We have plans for them.
More on that later.
I went into work today. Just for a couple of hours. I'm glad I did. She has someone to help her on the weekend....but they don't know her like I do. I cleaned up a bit and then we went through the mail and her emails. I got lunch ready. That was it.
I hate leaving her. But I can't stay.
Besides...I'll see her tomorrow.
Saturday was fun and today we cleaned the house and now we are all hanging out in the basement watching races.
It was a good weekend.