We are having a garage sale tomorrow. The really sad part is, I have been taking huge bags to the goodwill every month for about a year now.
And we still have enough stuff for a garage sale. A big one. The picture is mostly my husbands stuff. My stuff was inside. It's, in my opinion, much more interesting. And prettier.
I was making signs and Micah suggested writing on one.."Does anyone need some crap?"
I thought that was funny.
I hope some of it sells.
We would love to make enough money to buy new tires for our camper.
We blew one out on our last trip.
If the sell goes really good...maybe we will get new tires AND pay for the gas for our next camping trip.
Which is hopefully next weekend.
Another run to Bluff Creek.
I need another mini vacation.
In other news...I saw a sweet little thing this morning on the way to work.
Why hello beautiful! I love your ears.
She thought she was hiding.
See you Monday.