Archive for June 2013

My Office

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Saturday night I spent the whole evening in my office.  I felt pretty good and tried not to obsess about things.  I started by just clearing out the trash.  I filed away paper work and stuffed the other "To-Do's" in a drawer.

I promised myself that I would not start any projects.  But I did finish a couple.  I put up the yellow clock.  It came with the house.  I think it was in the laundry room.  I love it. 

I got the orange picture frame at Target.  I finally put a print in it.

My favorite Beatles song is "Here Comes the Sun." I love the words.  I wanted to make something with the lyrics on it.  I tried painting about four canvases. I wasn't happy with any of them.  The colors were off.  The lettering was stupid.  All of them made me feel bad about myself and my crafting skills. 

I kept thinking....this is ridiculous. I just want a canvas with words on it!  Art is supposed to be fun!  I stopped over analyzing and being so picky and just cut strips of paper that I liked and slapped some stickers on it. 

I kind of like it!  And it was fun!

I made the canvas below it awhile back.  I kind of want this wall to be things that I love and or make.  Planning to switch it up or add things over time. 

This book shelf was already organized. 

And so was this one

I would like to paint this someday.  Maybe a pale yellow.

The other side of the room I didn't spend to much time on.  I have big getting a couch.  Also maybe a real TV cabinet.  In the meantime I want to make some pillows for the chairs.  And sew a padded cover for the table so we can use it as a ottoman.

And eventually I would like to paint the file cabinets that the corion slab is sitting on.  And get new handles for the drawers.  I need to clean up the space underneath the desk too.

But I'm pretty happy with what I did.  Because at the beginning of the week....I couldn't even force myself to walk in there. 

Maybe the depression is lifting.  It's hard to type those words in case it's a false hope and I have weeks more of this. 

But maybe...


My Weekend Project

Friday, June 28, 2013

I have a beautiful office.  It is bright, practical and just the perfect size. 

It's a disaster. 

I haven't walked in there for over three weeks.  I just haven't had the desire or motivation to do anything crafty or to organize anything.

 It's such a waste.

 This depression thing.

 I try not to think about what a productive, talented person i could be if I didn't have it.  I love to create.  I love to give to others.  I love people. 

But not when I'm depressed. 

But this mess is just ridiculous.

So this weekend I'm hoping to get in there and clean it up.  Not tackle any extra projects or do anything crafty....just get it organized and clean.

So that's my goal.  I am hoping to have "After" pictures on Monday.  I guess we will see.  There may be a total transformation.  Or I may not be able to step into that room over the weekend. 

I'll hope for the best.



Thursday, June 27, 2013


I haven't seen Jaime for a few weeks.  I was on vacation and then she was.  So my appointment today was basically just catching up on stuff. 

 It was sort of a waste of time. 

I just feel like I am talking about the same old stuff over and over.  And sometimes I feel like she can't figure me out. Which is depressing when the professional is stumped. 

I really like her though. 

Except today was more exhausting then helpful  I wasn't up for questions.  I wasn't up for thinking about how I feel.  She always that how you really feel or is that how you want to feel?

Say what?

I told her, "my mind is to foggy to answer that."

She's worried about my not sleeping.  She says the intense and realistic dreams are because of my serotonin levels.  They are out of whack.  No surprise there! 

She keeps suggesting that I exercise more and eat better.  I know I should but when I feel really good I'm not exercising or eating well so it's not much motivation.  I mean....if that was the solve all then sure...I would try harder.  She suggested audio books when I wake up at night.  Because it's better then staring at the computer screen at 3 am.  Or playing with my phone and googling "How to Care for someone dying of Pulmonary Fibrosis." Even reading can make my eyes tired but not my body. 

Maybe I'll try it. 

I did laugh a few times.  But also cried over the fact that I spent all of last Thursday in bed while my 11 year old was bored to tears and finally had me home and the option to go somewhere and I just couldn't.  

She told me that didn't make me a bad mom.  

I said, "Then why does it make me feel so bad?" 

I told her don't worry...I'm not going to run.  My mind hasn't gone there for awhile. 

She said that's good. 

I sure hope I come out of this soon.  It robs me of so much.  It takes away the good times and bleeds out the little self esteem that I have.  It makes me want to lay in bed all day but not being able to sleep. 

It makes me miss out so much.  I hate it.  It's the only emotion I feel these days.  Hatred for depression. Maybe that's a good thing though.  I hate it so much I won't let it win. 

So I just keep trudging forward.  Hoping when I wake up it will be gone and I'll have another long run of good times. 

Me at a happier time.


Does this happen to you?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A couple weeks ago I went to Target. 

These days I don't have the energy to even get gas.  Let alone tackle something as large as a supermarket. 

But when I do feel good...i could spend hours here. 

I only had two things to purchase.


I was determined to stay focused. But on my way to the bacon (for BLT's) I saw these.

 It made me want to plan a party. I used to throw alot of parties.  They were good parties too!

I wonder if I will ever have the strength to do that again.

Then I saw this.

 I had to get it. I don't know why.  It just made me happy. And when I find something that makes me happy I hold on tight to it.

 I thought of my friend. She moved into a new house.

I love her.

She has been through some of the same things I am going through. She checks up on me every so often. I get anonymous cards in the mail about once a month. I know they are from her.  She's been through alot herself.  If anyone deserves a housewarming gift it's her.

There is nothing more satisfying then putting a gift together for someone you love. I had to buy those napkins. And that little box.

Then I found these. Perfect!

Last stop is the dollar section which is like the dollar store only with much cooler stuff. 

After one and a half hours I had done enough damage and it was time to go.  I get in line.  Put all my stuff on the conveyor belt.  Then remembered that I had forgotten one of the things I had came for.  I pick up all my goods and apologize to the cashier and the people behind me.

Jeans for my boy. 

Two hours and seventy five dollars (ok who am I kidding.... One hundred and thirty two dollars) later I am finally checking out and leaving Target.

I was anxious to get home.  To put the gift together.

Not so anxious to deal with this...

(If you look closely I do believe there is a soccer ball on my counter top.)

Oh Target.  You are a time and money sucker.

But I just can't stop visiting you. 


Things to do at 3 AM

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

When you go to bed at 11 and you start to fall asleep but you begin to dream. And the dreams aren't "normal" dreams.  They are nightmares. 

First you are on a roller coaster and you have a baby with you and the safety buckles are to loose on him and you are trying to hold him in but he is slipping because you are going down a hill so steep that you can't see the end of it.  And you are loosing your hold on him and he starts to fall and you are trying so hard to scream but no sound will come out and then you jerk awake. 

Maybe the dreams will go away. 

You shut your eyes again and you are in a different dream.  You are in a day care for adults but the tables and chairs are still little and they are serving you tomato soup in yellow cups and everyone starts to clap because you all love the yellow cups!  And then your chair starts to tip and you don't notice before but there is a black hole behind you and your chair is tipping and you can't grab anything to keep you from falling and there you go.....

So you wake up and try to hold still so you don't wake your husband but you know he is already awake because you can't stop jerking and shaking. 

So you try one more time.  But now you are on a roof.  And you see two men.  One has a black bag over his head and is opening and closing a door that is so loud that your ears are hurting and you try to put your hands up to cover them but they are glued to your sides but wait....wasn't there two men?  Where is the other one?  And you feel someones breath on your neck and they are saying "don't move".  And you try to hold still and you see your husband and he is saying "don't speak they are robbing us.  Hold still".  And you are scared to wake up because you think the dream is real and there are robbers in your dark bedroom. 

You pry your eyes open and your heart is pounding so hard you think the bed is thumping along with it. 

You turn on the light and you say, "I'm so sorry I'm keeping you awake."

And your husband says, "It's OK.  It's OK.  It's OK.  Let's talk about  good things.  Happy things.  Non scary things."

So you talk about the kids and how good and sweet they are.  And you talk about his dad and how funny he is. 

You think, maybe i  forgot to take my medication and that's why the dreams are so bad.  So you pop a pill and hope that the dreams will stop. Or maybe it's the medication that is causing you to dream in the first place. And now you have just taken another dose.

Your husband starts to read the newspaper because he's awake so why not and you try to do a logic puzzle.  You know the ones?  Where they give you four clues and you have to figure out who is related to who or who ate what on what day or something like that. 

But then your mind is elsewhere and you say, "Did I put dinner away?  Is it still on the counter?  It's Micah's favorite and he wanted it for lunch tomorrow...or actually today"

He says, "I'll go check."

And you say, "Thank you and while you are in there can you bring me a yogurt because suddenly I am so hungry."

And he says, "Sure."

So he brings it to you and you really want him to shut your closet door because it's open and you are scared but you don't say anything because you are not five anymore and you already feel stupid for waking up from nightmares so you don't say anything.  You eat your yogurt like a good girl and you take a picture of the clock because it's just so absurd that you are eating yogurt at 2:56 am and your husband is reading the paper and you are doing a puzzle. 

But the puzzle isn't turning out so well because you are so tired and all the names and foods start to look the same and you tell yourself that you are so stupid you can't even figure out a stupid puzzle but you don't remember that you haven't slept yet.  So you cross it out and throw the book on the floor. 

You turn the light off and you look at the clock. 

You try to take a picture of something else but it's so dark and the only thing that the phone will take a picture of is the clock.

And you lay there.  Scared to close your eyes.  But to tired to keep them open.

And you pray.

Please please, calm my mind.  Help me not dream.  Help me stay calm.  Help me not jerk awake.  Help me not grind my teeth. Help me sleep.  Help me.  Help me.

 There are so many "Help me's"  that you feel guilty so you say some "thank you's".

Thank you for my husband who keeps me safe.  Thank you for my family. Thank you for giving me another chance.  Thank you for putting up with me. Thank you thank you thank you.

Around five you start to drift.  Finally.  And it's deep and it's good and it's peaceful. 

Thank you thank you thank you.


The crazy bird lady

Monday, June 24, 2013

I was getting gas the other day.  Micah was in the truck.  I had my hair like this.

I felt something flutter to my hair.  I thought maybe it was a bug.  Or a plastic sack.  But in my heart I knew it was a bird.

 A bird. On my head!

  I stayed very calm.  Because I knew if I panicked that the bird would possibly get caught in my hair. 

This was no easy feat.  I had a bird on my head.  ON MY HEAD!!  And it was just hanging out there! He was perfectly calm.  I think maybe he thought my braid was a nest of some sort.

Does it look like a nest???

Maybe it does a little.  I don't know. 

I calmly raised my hand and gave the bird a gentle nudge.  It started flapping it's wings and squawking and finally jumped down to the pavement and walked under my truck.  My heart was pounding!  I opened my door and said, "Micah!  Did you see that!!??  The bird!  On my head!"

He said, "Uh no...but I heard a bird talking pretty loud."

I said,"That was the bird!  He was mad because I kicked him out of his nest!"

He said, "Wait.  What?"

Anyway.  It freaked me out. 

I'm glad it didn't poop on me.  Or get caught in my hair.  I was almost tempted to go inside and see if they had a surveillance camera.  Then I could have shared it with you!  I'm sure it would have been quite entertaining.  Who knows.  Maybe it is floating around out there. 

The crazy bird lady getting gas.  Google it. Or maybe it's on YouTube as we speak. 


At Least I Cooked

Sunday, June 23, 2013

First off....I realize I spelled Teriyaki wrong.  How could I have forgotten the "y"?  I'm pretty sure my family won't notice though. 

The weekend didn't feel like a weekend.  Partly because I was feeling bad.  And partly because I went into work both Saturday and Sunday. 

Despite feeling lousy and tired and unmotivated....I pushed through it and made the first four dinners on Saturday so they are ready for the week.  They were easy and didn't take to long to prepare.  I couldn't just stay in bed all day.  Even though I REALLY wanted too.  I'm not sure what my work schedule will be like this week so I knew I had to do something around the house or I would really be in trouble come Monday.  I didn't feel like cleaning or doing laundry so I cooked. Sunday I made the lasagna. 

On Friday I had cut some fresh herbs from my bosses herb garden (the gardener takes care of it...yes she can afford a gardener).  I cut some basil, oregano, chives and parsley.  I could not let those beautiful herbs rot in my refrigerator.  So I based my menu off of them.

I think my favorite is basil.

I fell in love with it when I visited Paris and had a Caprese sandwich.  Basil leaves, tomato slices and a thick slice of mozzarella on french bread. Grilled so the mozzarella strings when you pull the sandwich away from your mouth.  Yum. 

I'm no expert on fresh herbs but if you can somehow get them or grow it.  They SMELL.  I buy them dried in the little jar and they hardly have any fragrance.  Take for instance oregano.

This is what it looks like in fresh form.  It's scent was so strong i could smell it all over my kitchen.  I would love to cook with fresh herbs all the time but it's just not possible.  And family would never know the difference.  I just like the whole process of it.  Cutting the herbs from the plant and then chopping them up at home.  Tasting them. Smelling them. 

Maybe one day I'll have my own little herb garden. 

On a entirely different note...I bought these giant cupcakes (miniature cakes?) at Costco.

When my oldest son saw them he said, "Holy cow!  What are we supposed to do....cut them in fourths or something?"

I said, "Uh...I just ate a whole one."

He looked at me like I was nuts. 

I guess if the shoe fits. 

I was pretty proud of myself for making some meals and for half way cleaning up the kitchen.  It was better then nothing.  Which was what I felt like doing. 

And which I have done in the past. 

It made the time go faster which is good since all day I ask it time for bed yet?

If I'm going to feel bad I might as well feel bad doing something productive. 

If I spent the day in bed I would still feel bad.  But guilty as well.   

So......Go me? Yay for Amy for cooking five meals and for single handedly devouring a cupcake made for four!  It was worth it.  The cupcake and the self push. 


I'm Kind of a Mess but at least my roots look good

Friday, June 21, 2013

The past few days I have been spiraling downward.  So much so that on Thursday I spent the entire day in bed, sleeping on and off.  I know I'm depressed when I can sleep all through the night, on and off the next day and then the whole night through again. 
I also know it when the simple task of brushing my teeth feels like to much effort so I just skip it. 
And when going downstairs to look for some shorts feels so enormous that my husband has to do it for me. 
Despite all that I pulled myself together and went to work today.  I'm on auto pilot at work on the days that I don't feel good.  Only it's a bit different now that things are changing at work.  So I pump myself full of caffeine and chocolate to get through the day and then crash when I get home.  As in change into pajamas and get into bed the minute I walk through the door. 

Except for today I had a appointment to get my hair done.  No worries though.
My hairdresser has seen all of my moods.  I have cried so many times in her chair.  I have sat there emotionless and dug for words to say.  I have chatted her ear off and laughed at inappropriate jokes.

Today we talked about dying.  I asked if she had ever watched someone die. 
She has. 
So we compared stories.

I can only imagine what she says about me when I leave. 
I really don't care though. 
She's a great person and I know that she is a little nuts herself and gets where I am coming from. 

I'm tired of my 365 project.  When I'm feeling good it's OK.  But when I'm not...I hate it.  The voice in my head sounds like this...

"Why do you keep this up!  You hate it! Your really not good at it anyway.  I mean who wants to see a picture of a salad?!?!  You should just give it up.  Your pictures suck!    Your writing sucks!   You suck!"

When I'm not depressed the voice in my head sounds like this..

"Rats.  You forgot to take a picture today.  Hmmmm.....what to do, what to do.  How about this?   It's not to bad.  Even though it does kind of suck.  Actually it does suck.  You should just give it up.  Your pictures suck! Your writing sucks!  You suck! 

Oh wait...well...I guess sometimes the voices are the same and that is the reason I am in therapy.  And on meds.  And generally sort of a mess. 

After my hair appointment i came home and got in bed.  Surrounded with some reading material.

 You know... just typical stuff.

Entertainment Weekly.  The Handbook of Hospice.  

You would think that reading about Hospice would be even more depressing but it's oddly comforting.  We have already established that I hate the "unknown" so I have been trying to read all I can about the dying process. 

Obviously someone close to you dying right before your eyes can cause depression.  You wouldn't be human if it didn't. 
So I'm sure a large part of this...episode?  Whatever you call it  is being triggered by my bosses failing health.  But alot of it feels like the same ole struggles with myself.  Not being good enough, feeling worthless, and so very very tired even though I'm getting enough sleep. Total lack of energy and motivation to do the most simplest of tasks.  Confusion, racing thoughts and lack of concentration. 

Good times.

So I am going to hang out in bed tonight and hope for the best tomorrow.

 Hope I feel  lighter and not so dull and heavy.

 Hope I feel enough energy to cook my family a meal.  Which I haven't done the last few nights.

Hope my mind is clear enough to complete a task. 

 Hope that I feel good enough to smile for real. 


The one and only cheerios

Thursday, June 20, 2013

I am addicted to Chocolate Cheerios.  I can eat a entire box in two days.  Not for breakfast though.

 Who has time to sit and eat a bowl of cereal before work?  Does anyone do that? Sit down and eat breakfast before work?  I'm guessing most people grab something and go.  But I could be completely wrong.

  I usually eat cereal for a snack.  Or for dinner.  And  not in  a little bowl either.

I fill up the biggest bowl I can find.

And I don't eat just one bowl full.  I usually eat two. 

Is that normal?  I mean, is it normal for a 38 year old woman?  I expect it out of a teenage boy or something. 

Whatever.  I love it.   Did you know that Cheerios are good for your heart?  So if I eat two bowls then I am getting double the benefits!

Please don't tell me I'm wrong. 


She's Leaving

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

One of my biggest fears about going on vacation was leaving my boss.  I was so scared that something would happen while I was gone. 

It didn't. 

But she's not ok. 

She's not ok at all.

And the last few days have been really really scary.  And heartbreaking. 

I can't post details here because I want to respect her privacy. 

But she is losing everything. 

I've been saving little notes that she writes.  Instructions for me.  Grocery lists.  Prescription numbers.  I want to remember her handwriting. 

She gave me a sweater the other day.  Told me to throw it away.  It smelled like her.  I put it in a bag when I got home.  I want to keep her scent with me forever. 

I wish I would have written down all that I have learned from her over the years.  The funny things she said that made me laugh.  The big things.  The little things. 

Every morning for the past 14 years she has set a coffee cup out for me.  I wasn't a coffee drinker.  But I am now.  Just at work.  When she sets out my cup. 

When she's gone...will I still drink coffee?  Will it hurt everytime I get a cup out?

She tells me everyday that she loves me.  That I mean so much to her.  That she appreciates all I do.  That I am her life. 

I tell her that she is mine.   That I would do anything for her.  That I love her. 

It's coming.  I know it's coming. 

I'm afraid.

 I'm afraid that she will suffer for weeks or months. 

I'm afraid that she will leave me tomorrow. 

I'm afraid I won't be there when it happens.

I'm afraid I will be there when it happens. 

Everyday I force myself to go home.  I want to stay with her.  Make her as comfortable as I possibly can.  But there is only so much I can do. 

I can't save her. 

She's leaving. 

And I am already missing her. 


Favorite pictures from our trip

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Me and my Mikes

Taken from the car.  Even though it's kind of blurry...i love this picture.

From a trail.  Love the crooked fence.

My husband.  He's a beast.  (:

 Darren.  I know this isn't the best composition.  But I like how he stands when he rides. 

 Lake Pactola

Love my camo hat.  And the boy too. 

Hate this one of me.  Love it of my husband. That makes it a great pic.  Thanks Micah for capturing it.
