One night I walked out of my bedroom and found this....
It made me happy.
I used to love this game as a kid. Even though I almost always lost.
Darren is about to draw his career. How I wish it was that easy. I know he does too.
Micah drew this card.
Very appropriate.
Even if it doesn't pay well.
It wasn't long before Darren had kids. Twins!
And it seemed like the very next turn he adopted two more...
I know this seems crazy but I felt so happy and proud when I looked at that full little car.
It's going to happen someday. He will have kids. And I will be a Grandma. Hopefully later then sooner. But it made me happy thinking about it.
At the end...they counted their dough.
It seemed like alot...but Micah lost.
He didn't mind. He had fun.
I was grateful I was there to watch them play. To watch their pretend lives unfold.
I am grateful I am here.
To watch their real lives unfold.