I went into work for a few hours this morning. When I came home...I cooked like the mad woman I am.
A workmate has a garden and gave me a load of tomatoes. So I made spaghetti sauce. And while I was at it...I made meatballs too.
They don't look very appetizing...but they were pretty good.
Food photography is tough. Everything looks gross. Especially meat.
These are not weeds.
Basil. Flat leaf parsley. Oregano.
Dinner is served!
I thought the sauce was delicious. But I'm pretty sure the boys couldn't tell the difference between homemade and the stuff in a jar.
I had some rotten bananas so I made banana bread.
I like a crunchy top so I added walnuts and a brown sugar/cinnamon topping.
Half of it is already gone.
I also made enchiladas. But they don't photograph well.
I had my sous chef helping me.
She is supposed to be on the rug behind her.
I'm glad I had the energy to do this today. I really enjoy it. The only problem is...by the time I'm done tasting and smelling everything...I'm sick of it.
But at least my family got a good supper and we will have the enchiladas tomorrow. And I am my mothers daughter so I made a double batch of everything and froze it.
Go big or go home.
Hopefully this energy will last through tomorrow. I have to go into work again for a bit and then I have about 14 loads of laundry to fold. If it lasts through the week...I would be so thankful. If not...at least I have dinner for tomorrow.