This was the last day that I got to spend with him before school starts. I promise I'll blog about "the other one" at some point. I love him just as much.
Micah needed some school supplies and clothes. He wanted to go to Sheplers for some shirts.
He picked out two and will order a couple t-shirts from Rocky Mountain ATV and that's it for the shirt department. I buy him jeans and shorts when needed and so far he is set with those.
The big purchase for boys is always shoes. Shoes are important. He knew exactly what brand and what style he wanted. We stopped at several shops at the mall. He walked in, glanced at the displays and then walked out. I just followed. He finally found what he was looking for.
I said," Perfect! Let's go!"
The sales girl says, "But wait! I found these in the back! They are just his size and marked 29.99 from 90.00!"
He loved them of course. So.. I bought them of course.
In the end though...he didn't do to bad. He needed very little school supplies. I think I bought more then he did! I guarantee you I would have done more damage if I was shopping for a girl.
I realize though that Skullcandy headphones are not essential for school. And neither is the mustaches. But it was kind of a celebration of the end of our fun days together.
I will miss them.
And him too.