I worked all day on Saturday. And from 8 to 2 on Sunday. And today. And tomorrow. And the next day. So my days are sort of blurry.
Saturday was a awful day. Sunday was a little better. Today was good. The boss wanted pizza for lunch.
She wanted extra sauce and extra cheese. I thought that was cute.
She ate half a piece. Guess what my boys are eating for lunch tomorrow?
I don't have alot to say. I'm feeling a little numb which I think is OK considering the circumstances. If I felt everything that is going on in my life right now I probably wouldn't get out of bed.
And I am way to busy for that.
Tonight has been nice. I took a hour bath and now I'm sitting outside with the husband. Eating cherries. And spitting the pits on the porch.
He just said, "You are more redneck then you think girl."
I smiled.
In my house that's a compliment.
We will see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully another good day.