I was getting gas the other day. Micah was in the truck. I had my hair like this.
I felt something flutter to my hair. I thought maybe it was a bug. Or a plastic sack. But in my heart I knew it was a bird.
A bird. On my head!
I stayed very calm. Because I knew if I panicked that the bird would possibly get caught in my hair.
This was no easy feat. I had a bird on my head. ON MY HEAD!! And it was just hanging out there! He was perfectly calm. I think maybe he thought my braid was a nest of some sort.
Does it look like a nest???
Maybe it does a little. I don't know.
I calmly raised my hand and gave the bird a gentle nudge. It started flapping it's wings and squawking and finally jumped down to the pavement and walked under my truck. My heart was pounding! I opened my door and said, "Micah! Did you see that!!?? The bird! On my head!"
He said, "Uh no...but I heard a bird talking pretty loud."
I said,"That was the bird! He was mad because I kicked him out of his nest!"
He said, "Wait. What?"
Anyway. It freaked me out.
I'm glad it didn't poop on me. Or get caught in my hair. I was almost tempted to go inside and see if they had a surveillance camera. Then I could have shared it with you! I'm sure it would have been quite entertaining. Who knows. Maybe it is floating around out there.
The crazy bird lady getting gas. Google it. Or maybe it's on YouTube as we speak.