Saturday night I spent the whole evening in my office. I felt pretty good and tried not to obsess about things. I started by just clearing out the trash. I filed away paper work and stuffed the other "To-Do's" in a drawer.
I promised myself that I would not start any projects. But I did finish a couple. I put up the yellow clock. It came with the house. I think it was in the laundry room. I love it.
My favorite Beatles song is "Here Comes the Sun." I love the words. I wanted to make something with the lyrics on it. I tried painting about four canvases. I wasn't happy with any of them. The colors were off. The lettering was stupid. All of them made me feel bad about myself and my crafting skills.
I kept thinking....this is ridiculous. I just want a canvas with words on it! Art is supposed to be fun! I stopped over analyzing and being so picky and just cut strips of paper that I liked and slapped some stickers on it.
I kind of like it! And it was fun!
I made the canvas below it awhile back. I kind of want this wall to be things that I love and or make. Planning to switch it up or add things over time.
This book shelf was already organized.
And so was this one
I would like to paint this someday. Maybe a pale yellow.
The other side of the room I didn't spend to much time on. I have big getting a couch. Also maybe a real TV cabinet. In the meantime I want to make some pillows for the chairs. And sew a padded cover for the table so we can use it as a ottoman.
And eventually I would like to paint the file cabinets that the corion slab is sitting on. And get new handles for the drawers. I need to clean up the space underneath the desk too.
But I'm pretty happy with what I did. Because at the beginning of the week....I couldn't even force myself to walk in there.
Maybe the depression is lifting. It's hard to type those words in case it's a false hope and I have weeks more of this.
But maybe...