Kansas City

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Right after worked today we jumped in the truck and headed to Kansas City. 

OK.  That's not really how it happened.  Actually we stayed up late Wednesday night packing, worked our butts off all day today and hurried out the door so that we could make it here before dark.  My husband talked on the phone for two hours trying to straighten out work issues and I drove.  A few times I had a very strong urge to jump out the door and run for the hills. 

I am tired, cranky, completely stressed and irritable. 

When we made it to the hotel I ran a bath and actually sighed out loud when I sunk into it. 
We are going to a convention tomorrow and there will be lots of people. 
I am afraid of being around all those people.
And guess what?  We have no toothpaste.  I thought I would use his  and he thought he would use mine. 

Neither of us brought ours.

I also forgot Q-tips.  I realize you aren't supposed to stick them in your ears but I use them to dry the outsides.  And OH I DO stick them in my ears as well. 
So there.

Can you tell that I am fabulous company tonight?

Another thing....  This product?

Ya.  It lies.  See this?

Maybe there isn't a odor if YOU DON'T HAVE A NOSE.
Otherwise your legs and arms will smell like a bowl of cereal that has been left in the sun for three days. 

I guess between the bad breath and the scent I won't have to worry about anyone talking to me. 


I would cry but I'm to tired.  I haven't slept a solid three hours in five days.  We are leaving for camping on Wednesday and the whole trip is making me nervous and stressed out. 

I need to just breathe.  Calm down.  Tell myself that tomorrow will be OK.  Camping will be OK.  Everything will be OK. 


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