Did you know?

Monday, May 6, 2013

I didn't until yesterday.  I didn't even know what the ribbon color was.
  Lime green. 

I am all for spreading the word.  Not just in May.  But every month.  Because the more people understand that depression is a real illness the better.

Its  embarrassing to tell people what I suffer from.

And that is ridiculous. 

 It is HARD living with this. And when people don't understand or say stupid things....it makes it even harder. 

I don't blame them for not understanding.   I feel shame when having to explain to someone that even though I have it all,  sometimes I  feel like dying. 

It doesn't make since. 


 I probably won't be wearing any lime green this month. 

Not because I don't care.  I just don't have anything that color. 

But I will try to spread the word.  Correct misconceptions. 

Depression, bipolar, schizophrenia.

They are real illness.  Like cancer.  Only with cancer, you get well or it takes you. 

With mental illness you learn to cope.  Or it takes you. 

 I want to say this.

That message is for me too. 


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