Now that it's finally nice out, the boys have been taking the old Barbie Bike outside. The main goal is to get air or do a wheelie.
They try to hit the curb just right.
Micah is really good at it. Darren.....not so much.
But it's not from lack of trying.
Just look at the determination on his face!
But no matter how hard he tries....he's not as good as his little brother. I think that makes him a little nuts.
Part of it is that he is scared of the Barbie Bike. This is by his own admission. Which is ridiculous considering the other bike he rides.
Maybe if he had some gear on....
Or if his brother coached him.
"Pick up your speed!"
At this point I'm pretty sure the neighbors are enjoying the show because this doesn't look silly at all.
Even Ginger enjoys watching.
Shes looks a little worried. As she should be! Look!
The Barbie Bike is riding solo.
No worries though. Nobody was injured. It's a short fall to the ground.
I'm not sure what we will do if the Barbie Bike blows a tire. Or gets in some sort of unrepairable accident.
I may have to purchase another one.
Which I think makes me just as silly as they are.