Friday we had plans to go to the drags...only to find out they weren't running. So we drove to a little town called Plattsmouth. My roots are there. We drove by my Grandparents old houses. ( if you don't know what the drags are....we can't be friends)
It was fun. But sort of sad. Seeing their houses. They have changed.
I wish things would stay the same sometimes.
I wish my Grandparents still lived in these houses.
I wish I was a little girl again.
Me and my sister would spend the weekend at Grandma's and we would drag out all of her Tupperware and play kitchen downstairs.
And she would let us pick out our favorite cereal at the store.
And she would put just a spot of lipstick on our lips and a puff of powder on our noses.
She always made me feel pretty.
She still does.
This is the courthouse in Plattsmouth. My parents got married here.
They have a neat story. I will tell you about it sometime.
We hit the DQ
Saturday was a good day too. Me and the husband hung out for most of the day.
I sat on dirt bikes.
In a skirt.
We went to lunch and ate outside. It was gorgeous out.
Saturday night I didn't sleep.
At all.
I finally drifted around five.
But then I started dreaming.
Which makes me feel like I am awake because my dreams are so real.
I woke up sick to my stomach, achy and completely out of sorts.
Which was such a shame.
Because Sunday could have been a great day.
The weather was perfect. We had all our windows open. The house miraculously got cleaned ( no help from me).
But I just couldn't get to that PLACE.
You know?
That GOOD place.
I slept better Sunday night.
Now it's Monday. Today was probably the worst day I have ever had at work. Turmoil as soon as I arrived. My coworker was in tears.
It got worse.
It involved me pushing my boss about a block in her wheelchair.
In the rain.
Trying to avoid potholes.
And the arm rest fell off the wheelchair.
Did I mention it was raining?
I burst into tears three times today.
But got better. The afternoon ended up being OK. Not good. But OK.
And I will take that over BAD any day.
I took at two hour bath tonight.
I feel better. Not good. But better.
And I will take that over bad any day.