My Happy Shirt

Monday, July 1, 2013

A few days ago at work I heard my boss crying and carrying on about something. This happens alot.  During the day there are almost always tears, hers or mine, and we  have tough, serious conversations.   I went into the kitchen to console her and ask if there was something I could do.  She went on to explain what was wrong and I nodded and said I could help if she wanted me too.  Through her tears she  looked up and said,

"That's a really cute shirt!"

 I started laughing. 

 She started laughing. 

I shall wear this shirt every day now. 

**The boss has family in town this week.  So I will be working more.  I'm not sure how much I'll be posting.  But I will do what I can.  I may even have to post without a picture.  I HATE doing that!  A post isn't a post without a picture!


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