Alot of things.
It started out OK. We left after work Friday.
I love the drive. Small farms, corn fields and gravel roads.
We arrived just as it was getting dark. We set up camp and I went to bed.
Saturday we were eager to ride. I didn't take alot of pictures because it's kind of the same old stuff.
I rode some. I got sort of beat up though. Almost went over the handle bars. I wonder if the 4-wheeler is just to much machine for me. It's hard on my body and hard for me to control.
I felt so out of sorts. The weather was hot and sticky. Can you see it in this picture?
It just looks steamy.
Plus I got a call from work about something that I couldn't really do anything about but I still worried and fretted over it the whole time.
So I was sore, hot and worried.
I'm trying not to feel sorry for myself. It was nice to see the boys ride. They love it so much. And that includes my husband. He had a great time. Even despite the fact that I was out of sorts and cranky.
Do you want to see my war wounds?
Not the scratch. The swollen part. There's a knuckle in there somewhere.
I have one on the other side to match. I think it's where my thighs hit the handle bars. Should I do what Micah does and take a picture of the bruise every day to compare how many different colors it will be?
This is the first weekend that I haven't worked in......three or four weeks maybe. I just wanted to be able to... BREATHE over the weekend.
But my mind wouldn't let me.
Just to much stuff going on in there.
I hate that I can't shut it off.
We got home today around noon and my husband sent me to bed. It's now 6:10 and I'm still in the bed. I should probably do something. Unpack. Eat something. Start some laundry. I just don't want too.
I have no idea what the work week is going to be like. Stressful no doubt. My job is....complicated. Because it's so personal....I have alot of people to keep in the loop. The bosses family for one. And other people. Administrative people. And sometimes the family is better for one thing and sometimes the administrative people are better equipped.
But they both want to know everything that is going on. But they don't want the OTHER to know what's going on.
I am trying to keep both parties happy. Which is impossible at times.
I also have to deal with privacy issues with my boss. I'm taking care of her emails now....I print them out and she reads them and tells me what to reply back. She will have me write, "I'm feeling better everyday! Let's do lunch!"
And I want to say.....
"Listen I know you want to go to lunch with her but I am telling you RIGHT NOW that that is not going to happen. And I know I just told you she is doing fine...but those are her words not mine and I ASSURE you ....she is NOT FINE. In fact she is dying. And if you knew how sick she was you would be over here in one hot minute."
But I can't.
And I am so afraid that after she is gone...her friends and some of her family are going to ambush me and string me up by my toe nails and whip me for not telling them how sick she is.
But I can't. She doesn't want anyone to know.
And that's alot of weight to carry.
Anyway...I didn't mean to go on about work. This was supposed to be a post about a weekend full of bright, sunny pictures of my boys.
But I didn't take alot of pictures and like I said...I just wasn't feeling it. We are already planning another trip. Hopefully in August or early September.
Maybe that weekend post will be much better.
This week may be skimpy in the blog department. Maybe I'll throw in a "what color is the bruise today?!?!" blog if I have time.
If not...just remember that the blog silence doesn't mean that I've checked into the loony bin. I am still hanging on. What else can I do?
Oh but can you imagine blogging from inside the loony bin?! That would be most interesting reading.