We went to Red Lobster for our anniversary. I know I know. Don't make fun. We love it! The cheddar biscuits alone are worth the trip! Trust me on this. Plus we all love seafood. Which I think is a little odd. It seems like at least one of us should hate it. I mean, do you know of any family that all member's love seafood?
I didn't think so.
I realize there are probably better seafood places. But for the money....Red Lobster is our choice.
We had talked about going to dinner just the two of us. But at the last minute....decided we wanted the boys with us.
We have been a family for twenty years and they are a huge part of it so it just made since.
So as we were waiting for our food I asked Micah to do the "finger thing".
"Come on. Please? Just show us the finger thing."
There it is! It's freaky but cool.
How about you Darren? Do you have any talents?
"Uh...I have a pretty sweet farmers tan."
"Oh. Wow. OK. That was....pretty cool. I guess"
Soon after, the food came and we stuffed ourselves silly.
This post has no point. Except that we are a talented bunch of folks. A little odd. Alot weird. And very loved.