I love the sound of locusts
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
The sound of locusts = summertime to me.
It always reminds of me of when I was little and going to congregation picnics.
Good times.
I'm sitting on our front porch tonight. The locusts are really loud. Sometimes it sounds like they are harmonizing and then they just know when to die down and be silent. Then they start up again.
The week hasn't been good. I'm feeling very weird. Like I can't settle down. But I'm to tired to actually do anything with the energy that I have. It's like..... I have liquid energy in my veins and it can't get out.
It's very uncomfortable.
When people think of depression they usually don't think about the physical part of it. Sometimes my body hurts and aches for no reason. And sometimes I can't get comfortable no matter what. Like I have restless leg syndrome. Only it's through my whole body.
And when I get like this....my mind always matches. It's raging with words. With memories that I can't quite put together. I cry over everything. My head and heart feel so heavy. And everything hurts.
It's hard.
I did have some laughs tonight. Darren squeezed his soda can at Micah's face. Micah then threw a chicken leg at him. Darren started laughing so then Micah hit him with a lanyard.
And it hurt.
So Micah went running.
He came out of his room like this.....
Ready for battle. He calls for a truce.
Darren says no way. And besides that ,"you look ridiculous."
"But can I PLEASSSSSEEEE go with you to buy your tool box?"
He let him.
I love these two. Even though sometimes....they are alot.
On a completely different note....This was a screen shot of a video I took. It's my firstborn.
I hold my breath every time he makes a jump.
Do you want to see my bruise? No? To bad.....
It's pretty ugly. Turning a nice shade of yellow.
On yet another note...the boss is...
I don't know how to even complete this sentence. Still around? Still failing? Still making me laugh and cry each day? She calls herself the "Old Hag." I tell her to quit it.
I have off tomorrow. Nothing planned. Should clean the house. Probably won't. Should take Micah to do something fun. Probably won't do that either. Which makes me sad. For him. For me.
But I guess you never know. I may feel better tomorrow. I may clean the house, catch up on laundry and take Micah to the skate park. Maybe even make dinner for the first time in.....six days is it?
I'll hope.