My weekend was both emotional and productive. Which is strange because those two don't usually go hand in hand.
But this weekend it worked in my favor as I had all this nervous energy just waiting to be expressed somehow.
So I cooked. I made five meals and doubled four of them to freeze.
The picture above is the peas I tried to pick out. Why do they put so many in mixed vegetables?
I often use Walmarts "Great Value" brand. I've done my own taste testing and I can't tell the difference between a "Great Value" bean, noodle or vegetable and a more pricey brand.
I had my side kick close by.
She is just waiting for me to drop something.
Cooking takes my mind off a lot of things. And it helps so much getting all this done in advance.
My helper was tired by the end of the day.
So was I.
Tired...but happy too.