Awhile back my boss was given a fluffy pink robe. She loved it. In fact, she loved it so much that she thought everyone should have one.
So she found out where it came from and bought ten.
Let me just side track here and say something about my boss. She was the most generous person I knew. She had the means to be generous. But she also had the thoughtfulness to go with it. You had to be careful what you said around her. If you mentioned that you liked this or that she would say, "Do you want it? I will buy it for you!"
And when she found something she liked...she wanted everyone to enjoy it too.
I received a pink robe. It was summertime so I didn't wear it. But now that it's cold outside....It's perfect.
Except that it makes me so sad.
The last month or two of her life, she wore that robe all the time. That's how I picture her.
She was so very very sick.
Pink robe = very sick boss = sad me
So. That's the story of the pink robe.
I wish I could see it as a gift. And for goodness sakes, it's just a robe.
Hopefully someday when I wrap myself in it I will picture her as the strong, active person she was. Dressed in beautiful suits with the perfect accessories. Bustling out the door to attend a meeting or a luncheon.
Instead of....well...some words are just to sad to type.