Friday night I made some cards. They were easy and simple.
I'm finally sending these out.
I wish I could hand deliver them. But I can't. So this is what I can do.
Saturday the boys went on a riding trip.
They got the bikes nice and dirty. Which means they had fun.
I went to a craft fair.
I found a barn wood frame for 35 bucks!
Sunday was.....OK. I didn't feel good. Very anxious and agitated. All over the road. Extremely tired. Keith and I went to Scooters in the morning. Then I took a three hour nap. I could have slept all day. I forced myself to get a few things done. I hate it when I'm feeling low AND my body suffers too. It's not fair.
OK. No pity party. I am thankful that no one got hurt riding. I am thankful that I have beautiful family pictures to send out. I am thankful that I have a nice warm bed to lay my head down.
I am thankful that I have tomorrow.