I have been going to the same dentist for fourteen years. He was very nice. But very old. As was his equipment.
It was time for a change.
As soon as I walked into my new dentist office....I knew I had made the right call. For one thing....there were computers at the front desk.
And hygienist cleaned my teeth. Not the dentist.
And the x-rays!!! My old dentist would peer at a tiny slide held up to a fluorescent light with one eye shut.
Today I saw several images of my teeth on a TV screen. And the dentist explained bone density, sinus cavities and jaw structure.
It was very pleasant. And informative.
I have all four wisdom teeth and they are in good shape. My gums are firm. My teeth and roots are healthy.
And it's all because I never floss.
OK...they didn't tell me that. After my exam I always mention it. I smugly say, "I have only flossed four times in my whole life! What do you think of that!?!"
They always say....there is no guarantees.
My boss always said, "Only floss the teeth you want to keep."
I should probably start.
But why mess with something that seems to be working for me? I think the only secret I can share is that I brush my teeth for a long time. Sometimes I walk around with a toothbrush in my mouth.
When I arrived at the office I filled out three pages of personal information and health history.
One of the questions was...."Please mark your response if you have or have not had any of the following diseases or problems."
High Blood Pressure
Heart Attack
Mental Health Disorder
What difference does that make? Do I have to check yes? And if I checked yes....I would have to "please explain."
I checked yes. And wrote "clinical depression."
When the dentist came in and looked over my forms, I chatted nervously.
I wonder what he thought.
Maybe he didn't think anything. Maybe he sees alot of those checked boxes and I am just one of hundreds.
Or maybe he thought, "Oh great. Another loony. What's she going to do? Bite my fingers when I get close to her mouth? Start singing 'It's a small world after all'? In Portuguese?"
I did neither by the way.
I'm grateful that even though my mental health isn't the best, my teeth are darn near perfect.
If only they made this sort of floss....
I would floss fourteen times a day.