I think I may be the last one on the planet to climb aboard. But I'm glad they saved a seat for me.
I had been looking for some new music. I'm kind of sensitve to songs. They can trigger memories that I don't want to have. So I was looking for something new and fresh that wouldn't remind me of the not so good times in my life.
I downloaded this entire CD on a whim that they MUST be good if everyone liked them so much.
The first time I listened to them I was a bit confused. Were they rock? Country? Folk? The music was different then what I'm used too.
But the words...they drew me in. The songs are beautifully written.
The thing about Mumford & Sons is that they have a song to match every single mood I have.
And I have alot of them.
A song that I really love is "After the Storm". It's on the Sigh No More album. This may sound cheesy but the lyrics are so inspiring.
I bought a print with the chorus. Sometimes when I'm feeling really low....I stare at the words.
I love those words. I have a burning desire to "get over my hill".