My boss is dying.
I realize that we are all dying. But some of us are closer to death then others.
My boss? She really is dying.
The last few weeks have been tough. I am in her home at least four, sometimes five times a week.
The last few weeks have been tough.
Did I already say that?
She is still up and around. But not "out and about" anymore. Going from room to room takes GREAT EFFORT.
We talk alot because sometimes she is sitting where I am working. I love it.
I have worked in her home for 14 years. Aside from her husband, I spend more time with her then anyone else.
And she is dying.
I went to a shoe repair shop to drop off some of her shoes to be resoled. The shoemaker looks exactly what you would expect a shoemaker to look like. A older gentlemen with a round head, white hair, soft eyes and wearing a jean colored apron. He asked how my boss was. I told him without saying to much. Privacy is a big thing for her.
But he could see it on my face.
He said, "I am going to lose my wife to bone cancer in about two months."
My eyes filled up.
He said, "She's been fighting it for two years. It's almost over now."
I whispered, "Its hard to watch it happen."
He said, "Its the hardest thing I have ever done."
I looked at him. He looked at me.
Then a customer came in.
He said, "The shoes will be ready on the 27th."
I know your wondering what donuts have to do with this post.
My boss has lost alot of weight. To much weight. The doctors tell her to eat whatever she feels like, whenever she feels like it. About twice a week she has a taste for donuts. She asks me...
"Is it a donut day?"
And I always say, "Of course it's a donut day!"
Then I make a donut run and try to find her the biggest fried cinnabun that I can. Those are her favorites.
I prefer apple fritters. Or cream (NOT Bavarian! EW!) filled chocolate covered Bismarck's. I tell her she is going to make me fat.
I would gain twenty pounds if it made her happy. I would gain a hundred if it kept her alive.
I can't stop death from happening.
But I can always say yes to a donut day. And I will enjoy every single bite. And every single moment.