Note to Self....

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

****Remember last Saturday.  It was a good day.

Before the weather turned to crap (again), we went riding last Saturday. 

How many toys can my husband stuff on his truck? 

Apparently alot! 

I like to ride but it's even funner (funner?) to watch my boys and husband ride.  I love it because THEY love it. 

My poor Micah didn't get to ride for very long.  His throttle toasted out on him. So we hung out in the parking lot and waited for Keith and Darren to get done.  He took a nap on my four wheeler.  Just kidding.  This eleven year old never takes naps.  Or even short breaks.  He is constantly on the move and talking non stop. 

I have to remember this day.  We were together for nearly all of it.  And I remember laughing alot. 
After riding we went to Culver's for dinner. When we got  home the boys watched a motocross race that they had taped.  And when I say "boys" that includes my husband too.  He's as hooked as our sons are. 
I sat on the couch and fiddled with my computer.  Soon my youngest started riding around the couch on his Barbie bike. 

You read that right.  I brought home the Barbie bike from work a few months ago with the intent to take it to Goodwill.  I procrastinated a couple of days and the next thing I know the Barbie bike is painted camo and Micah is riding it in the house. Sometimes with his helmet on. Because you know...Safety first!
Even funnier is when Darren saw how much fun his little brother was having riding the Barbie bike....he wanted to try it out. 

Have you ever seen a 17 year old who is all arms and legs ride a Barbie bike? It's pretty funny.
 It must be super fun to ride because some nights they fight over it. 
I have got to get a video of them riding that thing.

I have to remember the good times.  It can be hard.   Somedays it's nearly impossible.   I know that they are there.  I know that they happen.  But during the good times....sometimes I don't feel a thing.  So the good times, don't feel so good.  In fact they can make me bitter. 
I think,"Why am I not enjoying this!?!  This is good stuff!! You love your family!  Cherish this time with them!"

It makes me feel worse.  Like I don't deserve them.  Here I was given this beautiful family and half the time I'm not really there.  I mean...I'm there, but not.... "there".

So I need to tuck those good times away.  Keep them in my memory.  Because even if I didn't feel anything while it was happening, sometimes when I pull up a memory on a later date,  I will smile.  And I know it was real.  The good time.  And the smile too. 

Darren and I


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