It just keeps LOOKING at me! I just know it's thinking....
"HA! That girl wants to learn to sew and she is going to be rotten at it! I am going to be so complicated she will NEVER be able to figure me out! BWAHAHAHAHA!"
My husband urged me to buy it a month ago because I have always wanted one. So when it decides to eat me I am going to blame him.
I have all the stuff to start.
I have pretty scraps of fabric to make small projects.
I have tools and big pieces of fabric that someone gave me.
I bought a book.
I have scoured the Internet and downloaded several tutorials. I have only turned it on twice. And made one row of stitches.
I'm afraid.
I'm afraid I won't be good at it.
But then I found this....
I believe that's my sewing machine. In a little girls room. Which can I just say....if I had a girl this is the kind of room I would want her to have. Not matchy matchy, but full of things she loves. Go take a look at the website. And while you are there, check out the momma's craft room (button on the side bar) WOW!!!
So I'm thinking that if this sweet girl has a sewing machine in her room, she knows how to use it. By looking at her room I'm guessing she is under the age of ten.
I need to just go for it.
What's going to happen if I completely stink at sewing! Nothing! I mean, sure I would love to be a natural but it's not like I have to make something to provide money for my family. I am doing it for me. If it doesn't work I can move on and try something else that I can do better.
This weekend I'll carve out some time. Just focus on stitching straight lines. No projects or patterns. And if my lines are crooked or loose or not perfect then who cares. I can throw the fabric away and start again.
And who knows. Maybe next month I'll be modeling the skirt I made!
Or, more likely, the skirt that turned into a purse but then turned into a pillow, which then became a pin cushion. (: