My boss brought me back this sweatshirt from one of his trips. Honestly....I had never heard of Dartmouth until an acquaintance moved to work there.
It's right up there with Harvard and Princeton.
I was at a book store yesterday and the checker asked if I had went there.
I could not stop laughing.
Yes! I graduated from Dartmouth. With a Master's in the spray bottle. A Bachelor's in twice baked potato. A Doctrine in vacuuming straight lines.
I can sort of see her confusion though. I was purchasing some reading material for the boss.
Maybe if I had my hair up and glasses on I could have pulled off saying ," Yes. Yes I did. In fact, I am one of the 40 under 40.
Ha! No. I wouldn't fool anyone. As soon as I opened my mouth they would know it was a lie.
In the meantime, I will wear my hoodie and let anyone think what they want. It's soft and warm and fits just right.