Hi. I thought I would give a little update on a few things that are going on around here.
Darren finished school! AND! Starting tomorrow he will be working 40 hours a week. He got a job with a company that constructs metal buildings. He will be working outside and in rural areas.
He is really happy. So are we!
Micah is doing good. He likes Middle School. Friday all the students wore pink for Breast Cancer awareness. I really wish I would have taken a picture of him. He had a pink shirt, bright pink socks, pink wrist bands and a pin that said "Real Men Wear Pink."
He looked adorable.
My office is now upstairs. It's slowing coming together. Here is a before picture.
It looks a little better now. Not ready to show you all yet. I will share this little snippet....
Remember this?
I took the doors off. And painted it.
I really like how it turned out.
I'm doing OK. Friday was a bad day. Saturday was a good one. Sunday was a good one.
I could write on and on and on about how I'm feeling these days. I will. Just not today.
I may not be around much this week. Friday is a big celebration for my boss. OK...that just sounded wrong. She's gone. That's not really a reason to celebrate. And technically....she's not my boss anymore either.
The other day my co worker looked at me and said, "You know, we are crazier now then we were before she died."
It's true. We are so distracted. We wander through the house and forget what we were supposed to do. We talk about her all day. Everything reminds us of her.
We want her back so very badly.
Anyway. This week family and friends will be coming into town for the "celebration". So I'll be busy. Everything else will be put on the back burner. The office, my to do list (i MUST order our family pictures before we all change) and this ole blog of mine.
I'll write when I can....