Im talking about my medication. It's sort of working. And it's sort of not working. The plus side is that I have energy.
I'm getting stuff done around the house.
I'm not taking naps on the weekends.
I'm not coming home from work, heading straight for the bathtub and then going to bed.
I'm even doing some "fun" stuff to fill my time.
But that's sort of the problem.
It's not really fun.
I'm just doing these things to fill up space so I'm not pacing.
My mind isn't calming down.
In fact I think I am more anxious then ever.
So even though some things have gotten better, other things have gotten worse.
Like answering my phone. I always have hated talking on the phone. But now, it's hard for me to even listen to a message. I've had a message on my phone from someone that I love for two days. I can't bring myself to listen to it. I have no idea why. But the thought of hitting "play" makes me feel like jumping out of my skin.
That's not normal.
So, what to do, what to do.
Go off my new med and remain calmer but sluggish? Or...
Stay on it and function like a jumpy robot.
I see Jaime on Thursday.
Probably a good thing.