One evening when I was nine. my family went to dinner and a movie.
This was rare.
Occasionally we went to dinner.
But I can count the movies on one hand that we saw as a family when I was little.
I wish I could remember where we went to dinner that night. The only thing I recall is being very sick to my stomach. I was convinced that it was the soda I had. I even went so far as not drinking a sip of soda until I was 11.
It wasn't the soda.
Kind of like when I thought that french fries gave me zits. I abstained for two years. Not a single fry. And guess what?
I still had zits.
My dad is a huge Paul McCartney fan. I grew up listening to his albums. So when this movie came out, it was a given that we would see it.
When we walked into the lobby we ran into some friends. They asked what movie we were seeing.
"Give My Regards To Broad Street!" we said cheerily.
They shook their heads.
"We just saw it and it was quite possibly the worst movie ever made."
I remember feeling so sad for my dad. For all of us really. It didn't seem fair that one of the rare movies that we would see in the theater would be one of the "worst movies ever made."
My dad seemed unfazed.
I remember that the movie was a little....bizarre. But I loved it. Mainly because I was watching Paul McCartney singing the songs that I loved.
This weekend I found myself humming "Wanderlust". I looked it up on itunes and low and behold I could buy the whole Soundtrack for $9.99.
I've listened to it about ten times.
I know all the words to every song.
It may have been the "worst movie of all time".
But the music makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Like I'm a little girl again. Sick to her stomach on "soda." But loving every minute of a movie whose music was such a huge part of her.
So much so that 30 years later, it still is.