Not all my days at work are full of doom and gloom.
Just most of them.
But today? Today was a really good day. The boss felt good. And not only that...she was in a excellent mood.
Getting those two elements to happen on the same almost impossible. Once in awhile she is in a good mood. But she feels miserable. Or she feels good but her mood is foul.
Both are very difficult and stressful to handle.
But today was exceptional.
She had enough energy to get through some items that have sat on her desk for quite some time. She answered the phone three times today. She wrote a beautiful letter to a friend. She talked to her dogs all day.
I called a nurse after the day was done and told her about a wound that was almost gone. The nurse told me to save the absorbing bandages for future wounds that break open.
I told her...."but there may not be any more wounds! She is doing so good! She seems like she is getting better!"
The nurse was quiet.
I said, "I know I know. Don't say it. Just let me have this day."
And she did.
I can wish for a thousand more like this one.
I may get twenty.
I may get one or two.
I will savor and be grateful for whatever I get.