The past few days I haven't been the best.
I keep going back instead of looking forward.
Dwelling on past mistakes.
Beating myself up.
Thinking about the lives I have damaged.
Tearing my body apart.
Did you know that last week was Eating Disorder Awareness week? Did you know that you can have a eating disorder and not be grouped in the usual suspects of anorexia and bulimia?
It's true.
When I feel bad inside I feel bad about myself on the outside.
I'm still not sleeping the best. I haven't gotten any feedback from my sleep study yet. I suppose I should call them.
My memory is terrible.
My mind is jumbled. I read the same sentence four times and sometimes still don't understand it.
Which makes me feel stupid.
Enough complaining. Let's talk about the good stuff.
I painted on Saturday and I liked it.
I stared at the white canvas for a long time. I kept thinking, this is me. Blank. The past is wiped clean. Don't look back. Not even at yesterday. Try your best today.
I liked it. I may even hang it up somewhere.
But I need to do it quick before I start to pick it apart.
We spent the whole times on our phones. I didn't mind.
A very sweet friend made me a afghan.
She is a cancer survivor. She doesn't feel good about 50% of the time but always has a smile on her face.
I love her.
I made cookies today. I had two for supper.
No wonder I have body issues.
This post is all over the road. But that's me these days. Happy for a hour. Gloomy the next.