I think this is the fifth (or is it the sixth year?) of helping my boss with Thanksgiving guests. We had a good time as always. This trip was a little shorter then the last few. Mainly because we didn't cook. We ordered the entire meal from a country club. It was fantastic! I didn't have to cook or do as many dishes. There was just serving and then clean up after everyone was done eating.
Every time we go to Scottsdale we go to a restaurant called Mastros. The food is ridiculously good. We always get the party room with a window to the kitchen.
This time my boss ordered lobster for us all to share....
I think that lobster is incredibly over rated. It's tasteless and a tad rubbery. Everyone else sang it's praises. I just couldn't.
Friday we went shopping. My boss was very generous and let me go on a little shopping spree. My co-worker wasn't with us this time but the boss still wanted to buy her stuff. So guess who got to pick out stuff for her?
Me. It was stressful but fun all at once. It's hard enough shopping for myself in three hours or less. Let alone someone else. But I managed to pick her out some things that I thought she would like and also some things that I thought she should wear.
She said she liked everything. I don't really believe her but it's nice of her to say that.
I got a little bit of everything. I was really looking for work jeans. Of course I didn't find any of those. Are all jeans these days skinny jeans? I can't wear those to work. I found a skirt and a lot of blouses and sweaters. I got a new pair of work shoes and a pair of boots. I found a robe and a couple pairs of tights.
Here's some of the stuff....
I also got a dress to wear to Darren's wedding! That was a huge relief.
I have a lot of nice clothes.
And yet....these are my absolute favorite thing to wear.
See the elastic? Obviously I don't wear these out of the house. But I wear them every day that they are clean.
Friday night we went to a Canadian Tenors concert.
Unfortunately ...half of what they sang were Christmas songs. The other half was beautiful. They sang my two favorites...The Prayer and Hallejuah. If you get a chance go to YouTube and type in Canadian Tenors and those two songs. They are breath taking.
I cried through each one of them. I was sitting by one of my bosses pilots and I swear he inched away from me. Haha.
We left on Saturday morning.
It was really nice to be home.
And on a entirely different subject....I bought a recliner. It's in my office. I think that officially makes me a old person.
I fought it for a long time. But they really are the most comfortable chair. Even if they are bulky and ugly. I think I may get rid of the shelf. The wedding stuff on the other side will be gone in a few weeks. It doesn't look to bad in there. And I tell you what....I could sleep in that chair.
I will draw the line at putting plastic covers or towels over the arms and back.
For now anyway. (: