I know I know. It's been months. It's funny because I always thought that when I started to feel better I would blog more.
But it's just the opposite.
I feel fantastic. But I think I'm just busy with life now.
I miss blogging though. I will try harder to show up here more often.
So yes, I have been feeling great. I went to a psychiatric nurse who got the medications just right. I'm on two. One high dose and one lose dose.
Its the perfect cocktail.
For now anyway.
There are no guarentee's with depression.
You are never cured.
But for now I am enjoying this ride as long as I can.
The last few months have been busy. We went on a riding trip.
My baby boy graduated to a big boy bike.
Ok he's not a baby. And the bike isn't a boy bike. It's a man's bike. But it's sort of frightening so I am going to keep calling it a big boy bike.
And in other news, my oldest is getting married!
She is a sweet girl and I love her a lot. Apparently so does he. (:
Planning a wedding means hours looking on Pinterest.
It's a fantastic time waster. But also key to some great ideas.
I've also been working out. I follow a program called PIYO.
It is the best thing I have ever done for myself.
The videos are easy yet challenging all at the same time. If that makes any since. There is no cardio. No weights.
Anyone can do the moves.
I have been through 60 plus days and now I am starting over.
I know I have a long ways to go, but I do believe that I have a baby bicep growing.
Piyo has been great and I plan on doing 60 more days. However, I think I want to add something to it. My "coach" (Micaiah Worstell!!!) recommended another BeachBody program called Body Beast.
There are other programs that sound great but most of them help you lose weight. I don't want to lose any weight.
I just want to be strong and firm.
So I think I will try this.
Here's a Before and After.
When Micaiah sent me the link to the sample video she said, "now don't let Sagi intimidate you." Which was really funny because as soon as I watched it I thought, "Sagi is scary and mean and he is huge! I don't want to be huge!"
I am pretty sure I will not get huge beings that I will be using weenie ten pound weights.
My therapist and medication nurse seem to think that the excersise is helping tremendously with my depression.
Maybe it is.
Even if it's not, I am not going to quit.
I will try and keep you posted. And if I get brave enough I will show you some before and after photos of myself.
Hopefully I will be back soon.